SHIFT Inclusion Interview Series

The five SHIFT inclusion interviews present conversations with experts on different aspects of what it means to be inclusive as a cultural network or organisation.


„Et oui au final il s’agit de simplifier et d’accepter de lâcher un peu les codes du beau graphisme, même si après, on peut faire aussi du beau graphisme tout en pouvant penser à différents publics qui vont le regarder. „


„And yes, in the end it’s a question of simplifying and accepting to let go a little of the rules of beautiful graphics, even if afterwards, we can also make beautiful graphics while being able to think of different audiences who will look at them.“

For the SHIFT interview series on inclusion, Marie Le Sourd, Secretary General of SHIFT partner network On the Move, interviewed in French, Marine Domec, Graphic Designer. They discussed on how to deal with issues of accessibility in relation to information and guides or online tools, especially making them more visually accessible.


Transcript of the interview in French → transcript here
Transcript of the interview in English → transcript here


Typeface → Luciole

Examples of guides with the Luciole typeface, co-produced by On the Move / graphic design by Marine Domec :

– With the support of the French Ministry of Culture, Guide des financements de la mobilité pour les artistes et les professionnels de la culture →  here
With the support of the French Institute, Guide des financements de la mobilité culturelle, Focus sur les pays arabes d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen Orient (versions EN / FR / AR) →  here

Regional Technical Centre for the Visually Impaired, Rhone-Alpes region (France) →  here

Guidelines for legibility of documents drawn up by the EBU (European Blind Union) →  here

Association des Personnes handicapées visuelles du Bas-Saint-Laurent: How to make documents and websites more accessible →  here

Association Valentin Haüy (pronounced A-U-I) – digital accessibility →  here


„So it’s that balance between doing things that are practically of help now, but in a very informed and conscientious way, whilst continuing our journey to develop our anti-racist practice strategically, and operationally.“

For the SHIFT interview series on inclusion, Maria Hansen, Executive Director of SHIFT partner network ELIA, interviewed Sandra Booth, Director of Policy and External Relations at CHEAD, the Council for Higher Education in Art & Design. Recognising the urgency of tackling systemic racism, CHEAD, a UK based network, decided to partner with trusted and valued expert organisations on their journey in equity, diversity, and inclusivity.
This interview was recorded on 14 July 2021.


Transcript of the interview → transcript here


Find out more about CHEAD, Shades of Noir, FACE and other useful links:
Statement on Partnership working CHEAD and Shades of Noir → Resources Archive – Shades of Noir
Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity update → here
Background to the SoN approach → Emancipatory Consultancy – Education Site
Interview between SoN and UAL DVC and Institutional lead → here
CHEAD EDI Policy → here
CHEAD Partners → here
FACE Website → here
FACE Campaigning → FACE Diversity Student Survey
NSEAD Anti-Racist Checklists for Arts Educators → here


„You can set the website up very well, but if you’re not keeping accessibility in mind as you’re using it, and as you’re putting things on it, the experience can kind of degrade over time.“

For the SHIFT interview series on inclusion, Katie Kheriji-Watts, Research and Publications Coordinator of SHIFT partner network On the move, interviewed John Ellingsworth, their Website Manager and Data analysist. They have embarked on a long journey of updating their website and setting it up as accessible as possible. Listen to the interview or read the transcript to find out more about On the move’s journey and how it is a continuous work in progress.


Transcript of the interview → transcript here


Find out more about On the Move and accessible websites:
On the move →
Web Consortium Accessibility Guidelines → here
UK Governmental website →
NV Access →


„But we’ve very much gone through stages and identified opportunities for us to bring more people into the organisation and create more inclusion“

For the SHIFT interview series on inclusion, Maria Hansen, Executive Director of SHIFT partner network ELIA, interviewed David Baile, CEO of the International Society for the Performing Arts (ISPA). ISPA has embarked on a long-term journey working towards equity, diversity and inclusion throughout the different aspects of its work as a global network. Listen to the interview or read the transcript to find out more about ISPA’s journey and how this hasprofoundly influenced David Baile as a leader.
This interview was recorded on 14 July 2021.


Transcript of the interview → transcript here


Find out more about David Baile and ISPA:
Suggested listening – ISPA Podcast-Meditations On →
Suggested reading → Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson (Random House, 2020)

In conversation with Maria Vlachou

„Because we need to go further, we need to move beyond the words we’re using to understand their true meaning if we wish to bring change to the way we do things.“

Our first conversation in the SHIFT inclusion interview series is with Maria Vlachou (Executive Director, Acesso Cultura) on inclusive recruitment, boards, membership and events. Sophie Dowden as Project Manager at the European Choral Association – Europa Cantat, output leader and project partner, held this first interview.


Transcript of the interview → transcript here


Find out more about Maria Vlachou and Acesso Cultura:
Acesso Cultura →
Acesso Cultura Capacity Building →…
Musing on Culture (blog) →