Shared Initiatives for Training

What it is about?

Climate change, gender equality and inclusion of minorities are key challenges for our rapidly changing world. Arts and culture have a recognised role in shaping societies and have the potential to significantly contribute to a better and more sustainable future for all as recognised in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The project SHIFT provides training offers for cultural leaders, working together and creating paths to face such global challenges. Implementing changes where needed and passing on the gained knowledge to leaders and staff members, of cultural networks and the broader cultural sector.

The partners produced online manuals, guidelines and excerpts translated in French and Italian during two years (December 2019-January 2022) on the following themes:

Audio & Language Resources

Cultural Leadership Icon

Cultural Leadership

Co-development and Co-creation Methodologies

Participatory Governance

Organisational Change and Evolution

Evaluation and Impact Assessment

SHIFT-Cultural Leadership
Environmental Sustainability Icon

Environmental Sustainability

SHIFT-Environmental sustainability

Certification Scheme for Cultural Networks and Platforms

Key Resources

Carbon Calculators

Climate Adaptation

Gender-Power Relations Icon

Gender & Power-relations

Key Resources

Main Observations

Recommendations for European Cultural Networks

Case Studies – Stories of Change

SHIFT-Gender-power relations
Inclusion Icon



Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging – Key Concepts and Culture

Inclusive Governance: People, Policies and Processes

Making Communications more Inclusive

Holding Inclusive Events