SHIFT Training Tools Compendium
This Compendium on training tools for cultural leadership results from the training workshop organised for SHIFT partners and held from 13-17 September 2021 in Cologne, Germany.
The SHIFT project was designed to develop the capacities of leading staff of cultural networks and platforms to tackle and act upon three UN SDGs: SDG5 – Gender Equality; SDG10 – Reduced Inequalities; SDG13 – Climate Action under the hat of Cultural Leadership.
Through a training workshop, the SHIFT partners aimed to get some practical tools on how to implement and lead change in their organisations in regard to the selected topics for SHIFT. After these intensive and enriching days, it was asked how this knowledge could be transferred to the younger generation of leaders within the cultural networks and platforms. The SHIFT partners decided to highlight a few tools that were prepared and used in the September’s workshop 2021 through this Compendium.
This publication has been created by the European Music Council and the SHIFT partner networks as output for the cultural leadership strand of the SHIFT project (Shared Initiatives for Training).