Gender & Power relations

Gender-Power Relations Icon

This publication is part of the gender and power-relations package which encompasses a lot of complex issues, both in society and more specifically in the cultural sector, hence the common decision to focus on sexual harassment in the culture and creative sectors.


The global movement of #METOO, which started in 2017, increased awareness and empowered employees and professionals across the globe to report sexual harassment and other inequalities in the workplace. #METOO brought to the surface the vulnerability and a lack of effective protection mechanisms of anyone facing power abuse, regardless of age, class and gender.

It still remains to be seen whether the wave of empowerment brought by #METOO will have a lasting impact on professional and societal culture.
For that to happen, the leaders of the SHIFT Cultural Networks believe focus needs to shift away from victims to structures.


IETM led the development of the work on gender and power relations.


What to find:

  • Research Publication
  • Annotated Bibliography
  • Key Findings

Topics we focused on:


  • Policy Reports
  • Campaigns and Activism
  • Handbooks and Practical Guides
  • Other Resources
  • Key Findings
  • Main Observations
  • Recommendations for European Cultural Networks
  • Case Studies – Stories of Change