The SHIFT partners would like to invite you to join us for the next step of this co-creative journey: the pilot phase. This phase will start in October 2022 and will last about one year. Initially, the pilot group of cultural networks will co-design the certification process with a selected external party, which will eventually take ownership of the certificate.
Please find some Frequently Asked Questions below:
The SHIFT guidelines were created with the intention and long-term aim of moving them into the framework of a certification scheme. This long-term aim was because the SHIFT partners felt that certification would add a level of accountability and rigour to organisations in terms of climate action.
To contribute to the development of the SHIFT eco-certificate and its governance structure, an estimated time investment per network of 1 work day per month from November 2022 – March 2023 in addition to a further estimated 1-2 work days per month to develop a green policy based on the SHIFT eco-guidelines and to implement the guidelines. This is depending on the size of the network and the level of knowledge and activities with regards to climate action already achieved in the organisation.
The SHIFT eco-certificate is for the network organisation itself including; for the travel of team and board members, for your energy consumption in the office, for events that the networks organises (e.g. general assembly, annual conference etc.) It is therefore less relevant if you have only European members or international members as well. It is the head office that has to implement the guidelines, not every member of your network.