The SHIFT eco-guidelines are tailormade for cultural network-organisations, taking into consideration their unique characteristics and the contexts within which they operate.
ELIA, as leader of the Environmental Sustainability strand of SHIFT, and the partners have developed three templates to help cultural networks use the guidelines in the chapters on Management and Policy; Travels; and Events. You will find them below!
NORM 1.3 The network-organisation has a sustainability action plan.
The SHIFT partners prepared a template for an action plan including sustainability goals and related sustainability targets examples.
NORM 3.4 The network-organisation actively tracks the travel of participants of its own events, in a manner that is suitable to the network-organisation.
The purpose of this data is to raise participants’ awareness of their travels’ impact, without double-counting their carbon footprint measurement. The partners have prepared a template to use for participants.
NORM 4.5 The network-organisation has an environmental sustainability clause included in the contract with the organiser/partner/host of the event.
The contract clause should include at least six of the 11 aspects presented in the guidelines as well as on the environmental impact of the event and how fas these measures contributed to reduce them. The partners have prepared a Contract Clause example.